Photo: ©Yusuf Ismaila Francis

Testimonials: Savina, André & Natalie (Biochemistry)

Winter Semester 2018/19

Testimonial by Savina (excerpt)
international student, degree programme: M.Sc. Biochemistry

Taking part in the Natural.PALS-Buddy-Programme was a great experience to complement my first semester studying abroad. I decided to enrol in the programme to meet other students from my degree and at the same time receive some orientation in my studies. I am totally satisfied with my experience in the programme, which even exceeded my expectations.

My Buddy had two international students assigned, and the three of us planned the meetings together, which made the experience even more interesting. We also met sometimes with other participants of the Buddy-Programme from our degree and participated in group meetings.

We focused most of our meetings on academic matters, which was quite helpful. Having other opinions when studying for an exam or practicing for a presentation was totally profitable. Furthermore, the experiences and opinion of our local Buddy, who had already studied a Bachelor degree at the RUB, was a useful guide for example to choose between different subjects. Moreover, spending time with my Buddy also helped me to practice and improve my German.

Besides academic advantages, participating in the Buddy-Programme also has plenty of positive aspects from a personal point of view. Being part of this programme allows you to meet people from around the world, which helps you to know more about other cultures and be more open-minded and tolerant. It also helps you to see your culture from a different point of view, realizing that a lot of things that you do automatically without thinking may be different in another culture.

Overall it was a very enriching and useful experience to take part in the Buddy-Programme, both academically and personally, and I would recommend it to both local and international students.

⇒Read the full testimonial report here.

Testimonial by André (excerpt)
international student, degree programme: M.Sc. Biochemistry

My expectations for this programme were that it could match me with a local student who would help me orientate within the educational and organizational system of Ruhr-Universität Bochum as well integrate me better with different colleagues.

Altogether, I would say that my Buddy Natalie was the perfect match, she was always available to help with any question or problem, she was always friendly and kind. She would integrate myself and Savina with the other German students from the same Master or even with other colleagues from Chemistry.

Despite the fact that I know German, I still don’t feel entirely comfortable to speak it all the time. But Natalie made me feel more comfortable to talk in German and would help me correct some expressions. In the academic aspect, Natalie was great as we met to study for the Bioinformatics exam. We decided to exchange our knowledge and practice for the exam, discussing each other’s questions.

On balance, my intercultural communication and view about my and other cultures remain the same, mainly because of my huge interest and open mind towards other cultures. The only point that I may have seen here is the fact that the younger generations are losing a bit of their reserved cultural features and having a more modern and universal point of view, mainly from European cultures.

I would recommend this programme to other international and local students – to international students who may not be aware of the German education system and structure of Ruhr-Universität Bochum, but mostly to students who are not aware of German culture. For local students, it provides the opportunity to learn other cultures better, learn how to approach different perspectives in life and how to deal and communicate with people of different cultural backgrounds. But mostly, what I can take from the programme is the amazing people I met.

⇒Read the full testimonial report here.

Testimonial by Natalie (excerpt; in German)
local student, degree programme: M.Sc. Biochemistry

Ich hatte das Glück, direkt zwei Buddies zu bekommen. Durch unsere Zusammenarbeit habe ich gelernt, dass jedes Land anders ist. Die Studiensysteme und Benotung unterscheiden sich komplett und es ist faszinierend zu sehen, wie schnell die beiden sich einfinden konnten. Kulturelle Unterschiede gibt es, aber sie haben uns nicht negativ beeinflusst. Die Perspektive auf meinen Studiengang hat sich nicht verändert, mir wurde nur noch stärker bewusst, dass wir alle die gleiche Motivation teilen und die gleiche Leidenschaft für Biochemie teilen, ganz egal wo wir herkommen. Ich habe gelernt, dass es wichtig ist unbekannten Situationen einfach offen und unvoreingenommen entgegenzutreten und meist entstanden daraus tolle Gespräche und Erkenntnisse, die ich so vielleicht nie bekommen hätte.

Fachlich gesehen waren wir sehr gut auf einer Höhe. Da das Studium auf Englisch ist, haben wir zwischen der deutschen und englischen Sprache abgewechselt. Ich denke, wir drei konnten davon profitieren. Methodisch gesehen war es immer ein offener Austausch, wir haben uns einer Fragestellung gewidmet und versucht gemeinsam, mit allem verfügbaren Wissen eine Lösung zu ermitteln. Das ist uns auch gelungen.

Meine Haltung zu studienbezogenen Auslandsaufenthalten hat sich definitiv geändert, da ich eigentlich ein sehr heimatverbundener Mensch bin. Der Austausch mit meinen Buddies hat mir gezeigt, wie viel ich bei einem Auslandsaufenthalt lernen könnte und mich dem gegenüber definitiv offener gestimmt. Im Rahmen des Programms habe ich viele Soft Skills, „Dos und Don’ts“ gelernt, die mich selbstbewusst genug machen, um diesen Schritt zu wagen.

Persönlich nehme ich aus dem Programm mit, zwei wunderbare Menschen kennengelernt zu haben, die ich nun auch meine Freunde nennen kann. Ich bin sehr froh, an dem Programm teilgenommen zu haben und kann es anderen auch nur empfehlen. Auch nach dem Programm werde ich sicherlich mit beiden Kontakt halten.

⇒Read the full testimonial report here.